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Valid for Sitecore All Releases, 5.3.2, 5.3.1, 5.2
Installation Guide

Note: Forms module works with Internet Explorer only.

Forms is a common Sitecore package. Select Development Tools » Package Designer and start the package installation wizard.

Follow the instructions provided by the Package Installation Wizard to install the package. If duplicate items occur, please select "overwrite all" option.

Add the "forms" site into the <sites> section of the web.config file (you will be prompted to do this during the package installation). The "forms" definition must be placed before the "website" definition as shown in the example below: 

        virtualFolder="/sitecore modules/Forms"
        physicalFolder="/sitecore modules/Forms"






        ... />

Using the relative path:  

Add the following lines to the web.config file

     <setting name="FormsAccessSaveDBPath" value="/sitecore modules/Forms/Database/savedb.mdb" />

       <setting name="FormsDatabaseMode" value="Access" />

       <setting name="FormsSQLServerConnectionString" value="user id=[user id];password=[password];database=[database];server=[server]" />

       <setting name="FormsAccessSampleDBPath" value="/sitecore modules/Forms/Database/sample.mdb" />

Using the absolute path:

Add the following lines to the web.config file:

      <setting name="FormsDatabaseMode" value="Access" />
      <setting name="FormsAccessSaveDBPath" value=" C:\YOURPATH\sitecore modules\Forms\Database\savedb.mdb" />
      <setting name="FormsAccessSampleDBPath” value=" C:\YOURPATH\sitecore modules\Forms\Database\sample.mdb" />

      <setting name="FormsSQLServerConnectionString" value="user id=[user id]; password=[password]; database=[database]; server=[server]" />

SQL Server Forms Database

Steps to install sqlserver support:

  1. Find an sqlserver for storing the data
  2. Create a database called "Formsdata"
  3. Run the script "databaseinstall.sql" on the database
  4. Make sure that the three tables "Forms" "Fields" and "Actions" are installed on the database.
  5. Modify the connectionstrings in web.config (under sitecore\settings):
<setting name="FormsDatabaseMode" value="Sqlserver" />
<setting name="FormsSQLServerConnectionString" value="user id=[user id];password=[password];database=formsdata;server=[server]" />
<setting name="FormsAccessSaveDBPath" value="" />
<setting name="FormsAccessSampleDBPath” value="" />

If you wish to enable online error debugging, change settings in System/Modules/Forms/Settings with the correct from-mail address. If your are using the standard database example functions, but you wish to use SQL Server instead of the supplied example Access mdb file, follow the specific instructions in the SQLServer folder in the Sitecore Modules\forms folder.

Please refer to the Forms User Manual for more details.

1.  Upgrade Instructions

In order to convert forms that where created in SItecore V4 to those that work with V5, the following line in each aspx file:


<%@ Register TagPrefix="sc" Namespace="Sitecore.WebControls" assembly="Sitecore.WebControls" %>


<%@ Register TagPrefix="sc" Namespace="Sitecore.WebControls" assembly="Sitecore.WebControls" %>must be replaced with the line below (as the dll, is not longer a part of Sitecore V5)


<%@ Register TagPrefix="sc" Namespace="Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls" Assembly="Sitecore.Kernel" %>


Note: if the ascx relies on functionality provided by Sitecore V4, which is not provided in Sitecore V5 and or not backward compatible, it will be required to re-implement or convert the required functionality from V4 to V5.

1.1.  Upgrade Forms module from V5.3.2 to V5.3.2 rev.080514

To upgrade the Forms module from V5.3.2 to V5.3.2 rev.080514, install the upgrade package and choose 'overwrite all' when prompted.

1.2.  Upgrade Forms module from v5.3.1 to v5.3.2

To upgrade Forms module from v5.3.1 to v5.3.2, install the package or patch package and choose 'overwrite all' when prompted.

1.3.  Upgrade Forms module from v5.3.0 to v5.3.1

To upgrade Forms module from v5.3.0 to v5.3.1, reinstall the module and choose 'overwrite all' when prompted.

1.4.  Upgrade Forms module from v5.2.2 to v5.2.3

To upgrade Forms module from v5.2.2 to v5.2.3, install the patch package for the installed earlier Forms module and select 'Overwrite' if prompted.

1.5.  Upgrade Forms module from v5.2.1 to v5.2.2

To upgrade Forms module from v5.2.1 to v5.2.2, reinstall the module and choose 'overwrite all' when prompted.

1.6.  Upgrade Forms module from v5.1.1.8/5.2.0 to v5.2.1

To upgrade Forms module v5.1.1.8/5.2.0 to v5.2.1, install the new package on top of the old one and choose Overwrite when prompted.

1.7.  Upgrade Forms module from v5.1 to v5.1.1.8

To upgrade Forms module v5.1 to v5.1.1.8 you should use the patch supplied with the module v5.1.1.8.

During the patch installation you will be prompted to overwrite the files - answer 'Yes all'.

1.8.  Upgrade Forms module from V4 to V5

In order to convert forms that where created in SItecore V4 to those that work with V5, the following line in each aspx file:


<%@ Register TagPrefix="sc" Namespace="Sitecore.WebControls" assembly="Sitecore.WebControls" %>


<%@ Register TagPrefix="sc" Namespace="Sitecore.WebControls" assembly="Sitecore.WebControls" %>must be replaced with the line below (as the dll, is not longer a part of Sitecore V5)


<%@ Register TagPrefix="sc" Namespace="Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls" Assembly="Sitecore.Kernel" %>


Note: if the ascx relies on functionality provided by Sitecore V4, which is not provided in Sitecore V5 and or not backward compatible, it will be required to re-implement or convert the required functionality from V4 to V5.